My life in Korea so far is a tangle of emotions that I cannot tease out. Writing helps, but sometimes … THERE. ARE. NO. WORDS. #AskAnAdoptee— mothermade (@mothermade) September 30, 2015
In the first few weeks of our move to Seoul, I celebrated and explored the Korean culture with my small family, but as my persona moved from a tourist to a resident, my mind couldn’t keep up.
There is joy, comfort, sorrow, confusion, frustration, betrayal and anger.
I hope to write more in the coming days to properly celebrate #FliptheScript, and all it did to bolster the adoptee voice. For now, I leave you with tweets from my days …
“I can never fully assimilate… It’s survival in America. It’s shame in Korea.” #AskAnAdoptee #SeoulSearching #Korean— mothermade (@mothermade) September 1, 2015
“Mom, you’re a big disappointment.” #Parenthood #Korean #NotKorean #Korea #AskAnAdoptee #TransracialAdoptee— mothermade (@mothermade) September 4, 2015
“Not to upset you, but I think I just saw a man that looked like your father.” #AskAnAdoptee #Korean #SeoulSearching— mothermade (@mothermade) September 4, 2015
So many Koreans look like my relatives, but it isn’t often you see a Puerto Rican Korean in Seoul … or do you? #SeoulSearching #AskAnAdoptee— mothermade (@mothermade) September 4, 2015
So funny! Today, when a Korean asked me a yes/no question, I said, “Si.” #kidsShooktheirheads #SeoulSearching #AskAnAdoptee #Tennerican— mothermade (@mothermade) September 4, 2015
“… If we found him, we would come full circle in this crazy, complicated thing called adoption.” #SeoulSearching 2/2— mothermade (@mothermade) September 5, 2015
I am Korean + Puerto Rican or #Koricua. My half-brother is too; I hope to find him. #SeoulSearching #AskAnAdoptee— mothermade (@mothermade) September 6, 2015
With earphones in, no voice and my phone, I melt into the crowd. #comfort #justdoNOTopenURmouth #Korean #AskAnAdoptee #FliptheScript— mothermade (@mothermade) September 12, 2015
Korean single mothers receive a mere $59 a month for each child while group homes and orphanages receive $900.”— mothermade (@mothermade) September 26, 2015
“I found my home for now, and homecoming was sweet.” @KoRoot_2011 #chuseok #Koreanthanksgiving #AskAnAdoptee— mothermade (@mothermade) September 27, 2015
“Wow, I was looking for an old lady.” Translator upon meeting me. #SeoulSearching #asianAmerican #korean— mothermade (@mothermade) September 30, 2015
“I like you as a mother. You are not a Korean mother. You have good love not Korean love.” Cafe wkr in Seoul abt my #parenting. #tiger mom— mothermade (@mothermade) September 30, 2015
I still have time in Korea, but I am ready to end the story where it began and go back to ground zero. #rebuild #AskAnAdoptee— mothermade (@mothermade) October 8, 2015
I do not need a lecture of Korean history in shaming mothers, Mr. KAS. I need a response to my request. #AskAnAdoptee #flipthescript— mothermade (@mothermade) October 29, 2015
“We are not a developed country if we are exporting our children.“ — Choi Young Hee @tacteen #KAD #AskAnAdoptee #flipthescript #Korea— mothermade (@mothermade) October 29, 2015